Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Adventures of Your Friendly Neighborhood Knitting Teacher

So you say you want to learn to knit.  You've gone to YouTube and armed yourself with a how-to book, needles and yarn.  All set, right?  Sure.

Obstacle No. 1:  The person in the YouTube video won't answer your questions, no matter how nicely (or loud) you ask.  They won't change the angle of the camera either.

Obstacle No. 2:  Your how-to book is written in some weird code from some fiber planet as yet to be identified.  No key to decipher said code is provided.

Obstacle No. 3:  Your hands, eyes and mind refuse to coordinate with your chosen needles and yarn.

My friends, before you throw your hands up in defeat, cursing the knitting universe, I invite you to join a knitting class.  With me as your intrepid teacher, of course.

While we're waiting for my next round of classes to start, because I know your fingers are itching to get started now, let me suggest a couple of books to get you going:

and are two of my favorites for beginners.

Oh, when and where do you register for class?
I'm glad you ask!  Follow the links to join in the fun ... 

City of Orange, CA

Whittier, CA

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