Learn to Knit!

So you say you want to learn to knit.  You've gone to YouTube and armed yourself with a how-to book, needles and yarn.  All set, right?  Sure. 

Obstacle No. 1:  Finding the right YouTube video to get you going.  

Obstacle No. 2:  Making sense of your how-to book.  It seems to be written in some weird code from some fiber planet as yet to be identified.  No key to decipher said code is provided.

Obstacle No. 3:  Your hands, eyes and mind refuse to coordinate with your chosen needles and yarn.

My friends, before you throw your hands up in defeat, cursing the knitting universe, I invite you to join a knitting class.  With me as your intrepid teacher, of course.

While we're waiting for my next round of classes to start, because I know your fingers are itching to get started now, let me make a couple of suggestions to get you going:

  One of my favorites for beginners.  

This kit includes everything you need as an absolute beginner - except yarn :-)

Oh, when and where do you register for class?  I'm glad you ask!  Follow the links to join in the fun ...

Knitting - Beginner Basics in Whittier, CA 

Not in California?  No problem, learn with me on YouTube:  XuxenaKnits Hand Knitting Instruction