So you decided to sign up for knitting classes -- that's great! You'll never regret it! Knitting is a fun skill you can use for the rest of your life to make things for yourself, family, friends, and charity. Plus, in class you get to mingle with other folks that are learning to love knitting too!
To guarantee you have the most fun and best experience in class:
#1 – Make sure your skills fit the level recommended for the class.
It's disappointing to look forward to learning something new only to get there and discover what you really wanted to know isn't being taught or the class is too advanced.
Make sure you know what type of class you're signing up for. Is the class a project class that deals with a certain type of knitting; lace, cables, color-work and the related techniques for that type of knitting? Or, is the class structured to teach you the core fundamental skills, the ones you have to master before you can move onto more complex knitting?
If you aren't a beginner and you've been knitting for a while, you will be bored if the class includes basics such as long-tail cast on or right and left slanting decreases.
On the other hand, if the class is not for beginners and all you have ever made are garter stitch scarves, it is unrealistic to expect an advanced level class to spend time teaching basics like how to purl.
#2 – Double Check the Information.
Make sure you have the right information about the day the class meets, the time, and the location. Make sure you are able to go to all the class meetings. Most locations do not offer refunds after the first class meeting.
Be on time. Showing up late disrupts the entire class and its challenging to backtrack to get you up to speed with the instructions.
#3 – Buy the Supplies.
Be prepared. Being prepared will guarantee you get a positive and complete experience from your class. Most of the time when you sign up for a knitting class, you'll be given a supply list. This list includes everything that you need for the entire class.
If the class is offered through a City’s community services department, a community college or adult school, you may not receive a supply list when you register. I will provide supply lists on the first class meeting along with recommendations on where to go shopping. But, it doesn’t hurt to take it upon yourself to find out what you will need when you register for the class so don’t be afraid to request an advance copy of the supply list. It's best to have your supplies when class starts.
If the class is offered in your local yarn or craft store, make sure to request the supply list when you register and purchase your supplies from the store where you are taking the class.
If the class is offered in your local yarn or craft store, make sure to request the supply list when you register and purchase your supplies from the store where you are taking the class.
If the class requires homework prior to the first class meeting, make sure you have completed it before you get to class. You could waste a large part of the class knitting your gauge swatch before you can start the project.
#4 – Listen.
This seems obvious, but if you're not paying attention while I'm explaining something, and then need it to be repeated, it is distracting for the me and other students.
#5 – Know Your Limit.
I make every effort to accommodate anyone’s learning style without disrupting the flow of the class so everyone has a positive experience in my classes. If you have a learning disability, a hearing disability, or any other special reason why you need extra individual attention, be sure you discuss this with me prior to class. If the class is being held in a busy store with a lot of distracting activity taking place that makes it hard for you to hear or concentrate, be sure to let me know. Depending on your situation, you should know some people benefit most from private classes, not so much from group classes, or more than one series of classes might be needed.
#6 – Don't Be Shy.
Ask questions. The best way to learn is to ask questions. Don't be embarrassed or afraid of looking silly by asking questions. That's why the I'm there - to help you learn. If something is not clear, let the me know. You'll be helping the me be a better teacher and probably other students by asking questions because it gives extra instruction for everyone in the class.
Stay with the class. Don't work ahead on the hand-out and then expect me to jump ahead to answer your question. My classes are structured to build on skills as they are introduced in a specific order. Its distracting and confusing to to address these skills out of order.
Ask for more if you need it. If at the end of the class, you feel you have not learned what you need to know to do the homework or use the technique on your own be sure to let me know. I sincerely want you to have success with my classes and will be happy to offer extra help.
#7 – Take notes.
Everyone learns and understands things in a uniquely individual way. Take notes and restate what I am teaching you in your own words. This will help you remember what you have learned in class when you are working on your own.
#8 – Do your homework.
Read your class instructions and see what you'll be covering in each class meeting. If you study a little it helps you become familiar with the terms so everything isn't completely foreign to you when its introduced in class.
After each week, you'll leave class with some 'homework'. Be sure to finish the amount of work I've asked you to complete. This way, you won't get behind in the class and you will have a completed project when all the classes have finished. Also, as you're working on your project, write down any questions you have as they come to mind so you can get them answered in the next class meeting.
And finally, a few suggestions to help everybody play nice in class:
1. I encourage you to get to know your fellow classmates. But, cut idle chit-chat as much as possible during class. Some people cannot concentrate on working with their hands when they or people around them are talking. You might not be one of those, but the student next to you might be.
2. Don't bring drinks or food to the table. Accidents happen. The project you soak might not be your own.
3. If you have a complaint or a problem, discuss it privately and directly with the person involved.
4. If you enjoyed the class, let people know. Please, post on-line reviews of the class and of me. Bring completed projects to class, we all want to celebrate your success!