Sunday, March 6, 2011

Pretty Edges, Pretty Easy

I covered several variations of the chain selvedge in a previous post.  You can read it here:  Wonky Edges.

I'd like to offer a few options for decorative selvedges.  Try them out and see how you well you like them.

1.  Garter Stitch Selvedge:  (version 1)  knit the first and last stitch of every row.
2.  Garter Stitch Selvedge:  (version 2)  Right side:  Purl the first stitch and knit the last stitch.  Wrong side:  Knit the first stitch and purl the last stitch.

3.  Double Garter Stitch Selvedge:  Knit the first two and last two stitches of every row.

4.  Penultimate Garter Stitch Selvedge:  Right side:  Purl the first stitch, knit the second stitch, work to the last two stitches, knit the next to the last stitch, purl the last stitch.  Wrong side:  Knit the first two and last two stitches.

5.  Penultimate Chain Stitch Selvedge:  Right side:  slip the first stitch as if to knit, purl the next stitch, work to the last two stitches, purl the next to the last stitch, knit the last stitch.  Wrong side:  slip the first stitch as if to purl, knit the next stitch, work to the last two stitches, knit the next to the last stitch, purl the last stitch.

6.  Seed Stitch Selvedge:  Knit the first stitch, purl the second stitch, work to the last two stitches, purl the next to the last stitch, knit the last stitch.  Repeat every row.

There are probably many more variations for decorative edges, you can even make up some of your own!

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